Dominic Richards
Statistics Phd Student - University of Oxford.
I am currently a fourth year Phd student studying in the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Patrick Rebeschini as well as Yee Whye Teh, and funded through the joint centre for doctoral training in Statistical Science run by the universities of Warwick and Oxford. In the summer of 2020 I was an intern at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) Montréal working with Mike Rabbat. Prior to starting my Phd I completed a bachelors and masters at the University of Warwick where I worked with Adam Johansen on particle methods.
I am interested in the understanding the interplay between statistics and computation in the context of machine learning. Recently, I have been investigating the performance of estimators arising from gradient descent in settings where the learning problem is more benign. I have also worked on the interplay between statistics and network topology in context of decentralised machine learning.
Email: Dominic [dot] Richards [at] spc [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk
Department of Statistics
University of Oxford
24-29 St Giles'
Oxford, OX1 3LB
United Kingdom